117 книги на английски за програмиране, инвестиции, бизнес, философия в Дружбе 1

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  • ➡️ Състояние: използвано
Повечето от книгите ги няма в БГ дори и преведени на български. Има няколко книги на български. Някои от книгите са с остаряла информация.

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Robert Kiyosaki - Second chance
Робърт Киосаки - Богат татко Беден татко
Робърт Киосаки - Четирите потока на парите
Dare - The new way to end anxiety and stop panic attacks - Barry McDonagh
MJ DeMarco - Unscripted
The Crowd - Gustave le Bon
Greek Mythology
Aswath Damodaran - Investment Valuation
Tim Ferris - The 4 hour work week
Mark Manson - The subtle art of not giving a fuck
Al Ries & Jack Trout - Bottom Up Marketing
Al Ries & Jack Trout - Positioning
Al Ries & Jack Trout - Horse Sense
Al Ries & Jack Trout - The 22 immutable laws of Branding
Rolf Dobelli - The art of thinking clearly
Epictetus - The Manual
Ryan Holiday - The obstacle is the way
Seneca - Letters from a stoic
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich
Kylie - The Illustrated Biography
Nassim Taleb - Skin in the game
Nassim Taleb - Antifragile
Nassim Taleb - Fooled by Randomness
Nassim Taleb - The white sloan
Nassim Taleb - Dynamic Hedging
B.H. Lidell Hart - Strategy
John Doerr - Measure what matters
Tim Ferris - Tools of titans
J Scott - The book on flipping houses
Huzefa Kapadia and Jasper Ribbers - Get paid for your pad
Daniel Kahneman - Thinking fast and slow
John Galbraith - A short history of financial euphoria
Константин Пандов - Ръководство за начинаещи брокери
Charles Duhigg - The Power of Habit
World of warcraft - the official cookbook
Публично предлагане на ценни книжа
Търговски закон
Joel Greenblatt - The little book that beats the market
Maslow - Theory of human motivation
Yuval Harrari - Sapiens
Yuval Harrai - Homo Deus
Yuval Harrari - 21 lessons for the 21st century
Brad Stulberg - Peak Performance
Greg McKeown - Essentialism
Steven Pressfield - Do the work
James Surowiecki - The wisdom of the crowds
Edward Burger - The 5 elements of effective thinking
Martin Brundle - Working the wheel (Formula 1)
George Orwell - 1984
Klaus Schwab - The fourth industrial revolution
Jordan Belfort - Way of the wolf
Michael Maloney - Investing in Gold & Silver
Charles Geisst - Wall Street
Sebastian Mallaby - More money than God
Niccolo Machiavelli - The Prince
David Heinemeier Hansson - it doesnt have to be crazy at work
Jack Trout - The power of simplicity
Jack Trout - Big Brands Big Trouble
Tarantino - A retrospective
William Bernstein - Skating where the puck was
Marty Cagan - Inspired
Stephen Bungay - The art of action
Will & Ariel Durant - The lessons of history
Chris Barez Brown - Wake up
Hans Rosling - Factfulness
Andrew Grove - High output management
Lonely Planet Greek Islands
W Timothy Gallwey - The Inner Game of Tennis
Антъни Робинс - Неограничена власт
Eyewitness Travel - Sicily
Dr Joseph Murphy - The power of the your subconscious mind
Италианско Английски разговорник
Prof Steve Peters - The Chimp Paradox - The Mind management
Bruce Lipton - The biology of belief
Eyewitness Travel - Italy
Eyewitness Travel - Greece Athens & The Mainland
The Film Book
Dave Thomas - Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0
Peter Spath - Learn Kotlin for Android Development
Benjamin Graham - The Intelligent Investor
Benjamin Graham - Security Analysis
George Soros - Soros on Soros
Sheldon Natenberg - Option Volatility & Pricing
Steven Drobny - Inside the house of money
Jack Schwager - Hedge Fund Market Wizards
Greg Glimer - Global Macro Trading
Robert C Martin - Clean Code
Rober C Martin - Clean Architecture
Ivar Jacobson - Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Chris Adamson - XCode Treasures
David Dreman - Psychology and The Stock Market
Charles Kindleberger - Manias Panics and Crashes
Richard Wilson - The Hedge Fund Book
George Soros - Alchemy of finance
Chris Burniske - Cryptoassets
Paul Vigna - The Age of Cryptocurrency
Mastering Bitcoin
James Rickards - Currency Wars
Graham Hutton - Programming in Haskell
Joshua Blosch - Effective Java
Mark Seeman - Dependency injection in .NET
Joshua Kerievski - Refactoring to Patterns
Brian Goetz - Java Concurrency in Practice
raywenderlich - RxSwift Reactive Programming with Swift
Sam Ruby - Agile Web Development with Rails 6
Learn you a haskell for great good
Android Studio 3.5 Development Essentials
Jordan Peterson - Beyond Order
David McRaney - You are not so smart
Thomas Cormen - Algorithms Unlocked
Richard Courant - What is Mathematics
Robert Greene - The Daily Laws
Napoleon Hill - How to raise your own salary
Grant Cardone - Be Obsessed or be average
Michael Singer - The untethered soul
Jim Rogers - Hot Commodities
🏷 лв.2,000
📍 Регион: Дружба 1
💁‍♂️ JK
⏱ Време за публикуване : 05.05.2024

Подобни обяви

Работническо общежитие
Работническо общежитие с отлични условия. всяка стая има отделен санитарен възел ,хладилник, телевизор ,безжичен интернет. Разполагаме...
🏷 15 лв.
1. Управление на човешките ресурси - 15 лева 2. Икономически теории - 7 лева 3. Икономическа социология - 3 лева 4. Банково посредниче...
🏷 2 лв.
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